Where do I start? How do I chronicle 18 years of chess life in the 20th century? My own life story is quite normal, in fact it's borderline uneventful, but my chess life is full of ups and downs. It's chock-full of intense battles and titanic struggles on a sixty four squared chess board. I learned chess at the age of 15, pretty late by most standards. And as you may have guessed, I became quite passionate about the game. I played A LOT of chess during my free time (in those days I literally ate, breath and dreamt chess), and so I improved quickly. A month later I was almost unbeatable at school (except for one teacher) who beat me 4-1. My First Competition (School Intrams) Having beaten all of my chess-playing schoolmates and majority of my chess-playing teachers during offhand games, I was heavily favored to win. The expectations from my friends and classmates was sky-high! I myself was only aiming for first place. After winning 90% of my games, tragedy struck - I lost th...
Man vs Machine January 31, 2015 at 9:27am 4th Negros Closed Chess Championship 2014 Rd.5 Acaling vs Fritz 12 Kings Indian Defense For the first time in four years, the championship of our Province included an engine. The sponsors of the event wanted to test the mettle of our players against an engine in a standard time control. Only three players managed to draw. FM Severino, CM Abanco and yours truly. 1.d4 The last time I played 1.d4 in a tournament was 14 years ago . Against an engine, you need to play as solidly as possible, so 1.d4 or 1.Nf3 is in my view, the only way to go. 1..g6 2.e3 Bg7 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.c4 O-O 5.Nc3 Honestly, during the game, I had no idea what kind of opening have we gotten into. One thing I know is that Black had constructed some kind of a King's Indian Defense. I only found out days later that this opening is in fact KID. 5..c5 6.Be2 cxd4 7.Nd4 I...